MedpediaThe Medpedia Project has announced the public launch of the beta version of, a health resource and technology platform for the worldwide health community. Harvard Medical School, Stanford School of Medicine, Berkeley School of Public Health, University of Michigan Medical School and other health organizations, are contributing in various ways to Medpedia. The goal of The Medpedia Project is to create a new model of how the world will assemble, maintain, critique and access medical knowledge. Since the announcement of The Medpedia Project in July 2008, over 110 organizations have contributed or pledged over 7,000 pages of content to the knowledge base, and thousands of people have become a part of the community.

For the general public, this page explains how to use Medpedia and this page list all the topics covered on

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Pregnant women infected with the H1N1 virus are more likely to be hospitalized from it and perhaps even more likely to die from it, according to a federal study released Wednesday.

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Imagine enjoying a regular day’s routine full of dog walking, carpooling, and playing with your kids until you are suddenly crippled with pain. Now imagine not knowing when this can happen and that it can affect major joints required for walking and doing normal activities. This is a day in the life of someone who suffers from a disease called gout. This is a disease that concentrates arthritic attacks in specific parts of the body—and it is like living with the unknown, and require staing away from certain trigger foods and beverages, and adopting a lifestyle change.

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Title: Blue Dye Halts Worsening Paralysis in Animal Study
Category: Health News
Created: 7/29/2009 7:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/29/2009
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Politicians will be put under the pump today as aged care nurses push for better funding in Budget 2010. Visiting Ministers, Senators and MPs will be asked to undergo blood pressure tests as they enter the ALP National Conference starting today at Darling Harbour.
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Helicobacter pylori, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug use and smoking are the most important risk factors for peptic ulcer. Alcohol intake may also play a role in the development of gastric ulcers. Psychological stress may also have an impact on the onset and course of ulcer disease.
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Two of the three Senate Republicans negotiating a bipartisan deal on health-care reform said late Wednesday they consider an agreement out of reach before the Senate goes on its August recess.
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File photo of a young Chinese couple waiting to see a doctor at a help centre in Chongqing dealing with accidental pregnancies. With more than 13 million abortions at registered clinics every year, China needs to step up sex education to better inform youth on contraception, state press said.(AFP/File)AFP - With more than 13 million abortions at registered clinics every year, China needs to step up sex education to better inform youth on contraception, state press said Thursday.

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Americans spent $33.9 billion out-of-pocket on complementary and alternative medicine in 2007 alone, U.S. health officials report.
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Blood testing is a common way to test DNA for a variety of reasons. This may include paternity testing to establish who a father is in a custody case or birth certificate issue and child support cases. Blood testing for DNA is also becoming common and ne...
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