Friday, July 31, 2009


According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, approximately 64 million Americans suffer from regular insomnia throughout the year.  While the exact cause of insomnia is unknown, there are many behavioral and biochemical processes that...
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When you first start getting interested in organics you may be confused by the various different standards of organic certification available. Each country has a different standard and there are different levels of certification in those countries. Let's s...
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Thursday, July 30, 2009

Tanning Beds Deemed Deadly Cancer Risks

The pursuit of the perfect tan could be much more costly than you think. According to experts from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) in Lyon, France, tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation carry a cancer risk that is equivalent to cigarettes. The IARC, a part of the World Health Organization (WHO), has now re-classified UV tanning beds to the highest possible cancer risk category known as "carcinogenic to humans."

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AACP presents: What: 2009 American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Annual Meeting and Seminars When: July 18 - 22, 2009 Where: Westin Boston Waterfront Hotel, Boston, Mass.
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AP - Health insurance and doctors were unthinkable luxuries for George Anderson of Redding, laid off nearly a year ago when his book distribution company filed for bankruptcy.
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Iraqis restrict US operations in Baghdad
The Associated Press
BAGHDAD — The Iraqi military has turned down several requests from American forces to move unescorted through Baghdad and conduct a raid since the transition of responsibility for urban security at the end of last month, an Iraqi military commander ...
News Analysis: Hope for Iraqis rests on security forces after US ...Xinhua
Series of Shooting Attacks in Mosul Kills 7New York Times
US Defense Officials Reject Iraqi Colonel's Claim that US Troops ...FOXNews
AFP -Foreign Policy -United Press International
all 511 news articles »
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A Texas Airman stationed at an Air Force Base near Sacramento, Calif. has lost both legs after surgeons botched a routine surgery to remove his gallbladder.
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The Royal College of Nursing welcomed the signing of a joint agreement by European Federation of Public Service Unions (EPSU) and the European Hospital and healthcare Employers Association (HOSPEEM). This is an EU-wide agreement which the RCN has played a key role in bringing about to prevent one million medical sharps injuries per year.
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Thursday, July 23, 2009

(Health) Second Indiana H1N1 death

State health officials say Indiana has had its second swine flu death. The Indiana Department of health said Friday that a resident of Lake County in northern Indiana has died from complications related to the H1N1 influenza.

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New perspectives in the treatment of disease The team, led by Professor Matthias Mann of Novo Nordisk Center for Protein Research at the University of Copenhagen and the Max Planck Institute for Biochemistry in Germany, have detected 3,600 acetylation switches in 1,750 different proteins.
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Scientists at the University of Oklahoma health Sciences Center have found that playing active video games can be as effective for children as moderate exercise. The findings appear this week in the journal Pediatrics from the American Academy of Pediatrics.
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New York Daily News
South Africa hails 'Mandela Day'
Supporters of Nelson Mandela, South Africa's first black president, have celebrated the anti-apartheid icon's 91st birthday with the launch of a special day in his name. Mandela celebrated with his family and friends on "Mandela Day", which is being ...
Mandela Day launched as anti-apartheid icon turns 91AFP
Nelson Mandela Celebrates 91st Birthday at Home in JohannesburgBloomberg
'Sparkle is fading' as Mandela turns 91CNN International -CBS News -News24
all 1,017 news articles »
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Title: U.S. Students' Academic Interests Tend to Wane in Middle School
Category: health News
Created: 7/16/2009 7:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/16/2009
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The drug's success with other cancers wasn't repeated with small cell tumors: study

Source: healthDay
Related MedlinePlus Topics: Lung Cancer, Medicines
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Teens who develop "mono," otherwise known as infectious mononucleosis, may be at risk for chronic fatigue syndrome, according to a study in Pediatrics.
Source: Reuters health
Related MedlinePlus Topics: Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Infectious Mononucleosis, Teen health
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Michael Jackson suffered from a cardiac arrest and died. CNN's Elizabeth Cohen explains what a cardiac arrest is and how it is different than a heart attack. A cardiac arrest is when a heart stops functioning. Rescu usually only works when someone gets it within ten minutes but the outcome is usually not good if the person is not helped within three to five minutes.

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Marie Claire reports that a large study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition of over 50,000 men and women found that vegetarians get far fewer cancers. However, the study found unexpectedly that vegetarians get more colorectal cancer. However, the study of 52,700 men and women, which was published in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, wasn't all good news for vegetarians. It was discovered, too, that vegetarians were more likely to have colorectal cancer.

This was surprising as it seems to contradict previous evidence that eating lots of red meat increases the risk of developing the disease. The Telegraph is also reporting on the research. They note that fish-eaters also had a lower risk of cancer than meat eaters. There's also been news recently of a study that found that mushrooms may help ward off breast cancer.

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Tuesday, July 21, 2009

(Health) Is it a Cold or a Flu?

CBS News reporter Maggie Rodriguez talked to Dr. Holly Phillips about a commonly asked question by people feeling sick, "Do I have a Cold or a Flu?" Dr. Holly Phillips says most of the time its the common cold. She says adults get between 2 or 4 colds each year and children get as many as 6 to 10 cold each year. The flu tends to come with a high fever and the "run over by a truck" feeling. Doctors do have a rapid flu test available. The one thing this video does not discuss is allergies which can also be confused with a cold or a flu.

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And I am one of those nerds. You can watch a ton of coverage related to Sonia Sotomayor’s confirmation hearings on the site.

In the “Highlights,” you can hear Patrick Leahy regulate in response to an outburst – apparently one of those involved in the outburst was “Jane Roe” (Norma McCorvey), who is now an anti-choice activist.

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Posted in Events & Observances, Laws, Legislation, & Courts, Web Resources
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7/17/2009 © Daytona Beach News-Journal
All Jeriel Joiner wanted was a fern. Now he may face amputation of his arm after being bitten by a pygmy rattlesnake in Walmart.  In other snakebite news, a man who tried to move a snake from the road was rushed to a Broward hospital today. Also: A boa blocked a road in St. Pete, and only experts will be given permits to hunt pythons. 
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7/16/2009 © Palm Beach Post
Doctors say they're getting lots of calls from anxious expectant parents since one pregnant woman in Palm Beach County died and another was placed in a medically induced coma in hopes of saving her and her baby. Meanwhile, CDC says school children who have never had a flu shot may need four this fall.
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7/15/2009 © Sarasota Herald-Tribune
Leonard Patrick Gonzalez Jr. had been 'cyberstalking' his former wife's family, trying to regain custody of his daughter, when he was arrested in the slaying of a Panhandle couple who had adopted 13 special-needs kids. In a separate report, Sheriff's deputies hinted that he was the mastermind and recruited the others for the heist.
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As if you need one more reason to jam that grocery cart full of fresh produce, another study produces results that just reinforce what mama always told us: veggies are good for you. Not only are those vegetables cold and crispy and perfect for a summer day, indulging in what is known as “vegetable proteins” can help to stave off heart disease and lower your blood pressure.

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Title: Sunitinib Benefit Explored in Poor-Prognosis Kidney Cancer
Category: health News
Created: 7/17/2009 7:00:00 AM
Last Editorial Review: 7/17/2009
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We won’t argue that sex (when practiced safely) is good for you, but promoting the idea to teenagers—à la the National health Service of Britain—seems a little strange to us. Sex education is one thing, but do you really want your kids taught that “an orgasm a day keeps the doctor away?” What do you think? [...]
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We all know that when people go off to war it is a life-changing experience, but for older veterans it can be more than that. It has been shown that older veterans who have suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) have almost double the risk of developing dementia when compared to other veterans.

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healthDay - FRIDAY, July 17 (healthDay News) -- Taking a probiotics supplement after gastric bypass surgery helps patients lose weight faster and avoid vitamin B deficiency, a new study finds.
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healthDay - THURSDAY, July 9 (healthDay News) -- A defective gene significantly increases the likelihood of developing such allergic disorders as eczema and asthma, Scottish researchers report.
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BBC News

From the Vatican, a Tough Read
New York Times
Why is "Caritas in Veritate" ("Charity in Truth"), Pope Benedict XVI's new encyclical on the world economy and authentic human development, so poorly written? That is meant as a serious, honest question, not a snap way of dismissing ...
Pope breezes through first health scare: a broken wristAFP
Pope has surgery after breaking wrist in a fallThe Associated Press
Pope Benedict XVI breaks wrist in bathroom fall while on
Bloomberg -BBC News -ABC Online
all 1,107 news articles »

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Hundreds more patients have been advised to get tested for hepatitis C as health officials in two more states launched investigations into an infected Colorado surgery tech who allegedly swapped clean needles for dirty ones to feed her drug addiction.

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  As data security and confidentiality become an increasingly important element of corporate and government communications, the demand for computer forensic scientists is rapidly increasing. In order to enter the field, you should strongly consid...
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Fatigue is a medical condition that is also referred to as exhaustion, lethargy, or listlessness.  It is characterized by extreme exhaustion that follows exertion. Symptoms can range from a general state of lethargy to a specific exertion induced bu...

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Welcome to organic living today - a blog dedicated to promoting health organic lifestyle choices.
My journey into organics began almost 5 years ago. I was constantly tired and fatigued, working too many hours and not balancing my life at all. I bega...

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Friday, July 17, 2009

Slow Food and Organics

The slow food movement is a group of people campaigning for fresh food grown in a way that is safe for the environment. Created in opposition to 'fast food', the movement was founded by Carlo Petrini in Italy. It now has over 83,000 members in 122 countrie...

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The military's medical arm is under severe strain because of a huge shortage in doctors, unions say.

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